I've been on quite the journey the last few days. After my last post, I went to check out the disturbance and it turns out it was the Bleeding Tree. I saw a flash and I was in The Path of Red Leaves, which is the Path of Black Leaves, except a lot redder. I walked through a bit and found myself at some sort of generation point for The Rotten. I was chased a bit, walked into some random tunnel, and found myself in the Crumbling Castle, now owned by the Man in Gray.
I was lucky enough not to see the Man himself, but I was attacked by his Predictors. They did not possess any weapons, but had decent enough punches to leave a bruise or two. I was able to make my way out of the Castle even with this. I fell through a hole into The Quiet and saw all the outlines of the Ivory Woman.
The outlines could be jumped through to go where they had been drawn. I looked for one that was acceptable before the outlines became aware of my presence. I went through one into The Towering Realm and saw...a person, if I can call it that. Ti dah owt rmsa no neo deis nad trhee no eht rhtoe. reehT swa omes thero tinghs ubt I cnat' memberr hemt. Ti meca pu ot em nad dsia t'is mnea saw eht liGcth. After that, another flash went off and I was transported back to the safe house. The others were there, unscathed. They asked what happened, but I just went to a bed and fell asleep.
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